Thursday, May 31, 2012

Top 10 Ways to Be a Better Audience Member

1. Don't try to and tell a Joke to a comedian.
I know it's difficult to refrain from the allure of being a dollar store comedian after watching a comedy show, but try and resist. I'm sure you know a lot of great knee slappers but please keep them to yourself. As a comedian, we've heard almost every joke, punchline, and scrambled versions of both. As much as we enjoy approval from audience members post show, telling us a bastardized version of an 80 year old joke is never enjoyable to a comic. Listening to a non-comedian tell a joke would be like Beethoven listening to me play "twinkle, twinkle, little star" and me believing I was showing him a thing or two. BY NO MEANS TELL A COMEDIAN "You can use that." NO WE CAN'T!

2. Talking is Heckling.
A heckler is anyone that disrupts the flow of the show. There are several types of hecklers. The first being the most commonly known- "The Asshole." The Asshole is an audience member that is purposely trying to throw off the comedian. By either shouting "You Suck!" or various versions of that with the same intent. The Second type of heckler forgets that there is an audience in the room and begins talking straight to the comedian as if the comic is just there to have witty banter with them. Keep in mind, comedians normally have jokes planned out and know where they want each joke to end up. Most jokes dove-tail into another joke to keep the logical thought rolling. Interrupting that flow can mess up the next few jokes. Chatting with the comic while he/she is on stage is NOT "HELPING THE SHOW!" No one paid money to hear you talk to a comedian. The third type of heckler is the type that forgets completely that they're even at a live show. They either start having a loud conversation with people at their table or they actually answer their cell phone and begin chatting! If they were at least paying attention to the comic, he/she could whip them back into shape but they're not even paying enough attention to the comic that has been beaming them for the last 30 seconds.

3. Don't pre-game before the show.
I get it, it's your night out and the show doesn't start for another hour but please don't show up already drunk! It'll either make you look like "The Asshole" or it'll be an early night because you're too drunk to stay through the whole show. Your friends don't think you're funnier because you're trashed. Everyone is laughing at you not with you. Besides, drunk people don't know how to whisper but they almost always have something to say.

4. Texting is just as rude as talking on the phone.
Yes, I understand texting is quieter than talking, but the comics can see your face light up every time you open your phone. It draws unnecessary attention to yourself. People next to you can see that you're more important then what's going on in front of you. If the people you were texting are so important, then they would be sitting with you enjoying the show. Texting is rude as hell. Knock it off.

5. Don't shout out your own Punchlines.
A comedian spends a lot of time working on a bit and after all that work setting up a joke to have the laugh stolen by a sub-par punchline, is the fastest way to piss them off. I get it, you're a funny person. You can see a joke unfolding in front of you but by no means is this your time to score the laugh. Even if the comedian says his/her punchline after the laugh was stolen, it's not going to work nearly as well as it should have. Each laugh is a reward for a properly set up joke. If you didn't set up the joke you shouldn't reep the reward of the laugh. The "set up" is like pumping flamible gas fumes into the room. "The punchline" is what ignites the laughter. It's difficult to re-ignite an already spent premise. If you wanna get laughs write your own jokes and try an open mic night. Otherwise, shut the fuck up!

6. No one cares it's your Bachelorette Party or Birthday.
Congratulations, you've stayed alive for another year or your shitty boyfriend finally gave in and asked you to marry him. No one gives a shit. If you're lucky, the host/emcee will ask who has a birthday at the begainning of the show. Thats your one time to shine. Don't ask the comic to make fun of your friend just because it's their birthday/bachelorette party. In fact don't ever ask a comic to make fun of anyone. This is an annoying request. It's like pre-heckling. You want a portion of the show to be about you. Fuck off, comics are not dancing chimps. We're not here to jump through hoops for you or tap dance for your approval.

7. Unless you're at a Larry the Cable Guy show; DON'T SHOUT "GIT-R-DONE!"
As in any business, comics are competitive. They work hard to separate themselves from the rest of the pack and to have their own identity. We are super judgemental and normally don't like or think very highly of a lot of other acts, especially ones with a gimmick. Shouting "Git-R-Done"  or "I keel you"  mid-show is like comparing us to another act which we probably don't like or want to be compared with. It's fine to enjoy other performer's work but keep in mind you're not at their show. Try and stay relevant to what's going on in the room.

8. Turn your fucking phone OFF, not just to vibrate.
Before each show the Host/Emcee (or the announcement made at the beginning) will inform you to turn off your phone or turn it to the vibrate position. I'm shocked this still has to be said but it seems some people have never been to a live performance or theater atmosphere and still need the reminder. But even after all that about 40% of the time a phone will go off. And by some act of divine intervention, the phone always goes off during the punchline. I know there's an option to turn the phone to vibrate, but do us a favor and just turn it the fuck off. Give us an hour and a half to two hours of undivided attention and I'm sure you'll have a great time.

9. If the Comedian asks you a question, just answer it.
Sometime comedians use a line of questioning to lead into another bit. So if the comic asks you a question, just answer it. Just because a comedian is talking to you doesn't mean he's making fun of you. Also if the comic does ask a question just answer it honestly. This isn't your doorway to try and be the class clown. Example: comic: "So are you from here?" audience member: "No, I'm from my mother." Don't be a smart ass. Just answer the question. Now, I'd rather have an audience member be a smart ass than to say nothing at all. You might have heard a comedian say "This isn't t.v.!" If the comedian asks you a question feel free to respond. It'll keep the show moving.

Sometimes a venue's eyes are too big for their clientele. I.E. 400 seats and only 20 audience members. As an audience member; if you get to pick your own seat, please sit near the stage and encourage others to do the same. Comedy works best in crowded situations. The first thing everyone thinks is that if you sit near the front the comedian is going to make fun of them. Not true. Comedians normally only pick on people that draw too much attention to themselves. If you sit quietly and laugh when you're supposed to, you'll be fine. People are self conscious of their own laugh. That means if they can hear themselves laugh they'll probably stop. The best way to have anonymity during a show is to sit close together and laugh while everyone else is laughing. If you paid for a ticket, you might as well try and make it the best show possible.

Its true!... I'm buddies with DAVE NAVARRO... no big deal!

       Several years ago I was in L.A. While there I spent my mornings "Celeb watching" at the CRUNCH Fitness on Sunset blvd. Every morning was the same. Walk in, sign in, see a few low level celebrities and then leave.  But this particular morning would be different, as I headed to the front desk to sign in there was something different in the air. Then I noticed that Dave Navarro was on the treadmill in the back half of the room. WOW, Dave Navarro treadmills, i treadmill... goosebumps, huh?

        I have been a fan of his since forever. So seeing him in person threw me into a strange, oddly, giddy mood. Which I can only imagine would be comparable to a school girl. I don't get star struck by celebrities, except musicians (they're cooler). I decided to head upstairs and avoid any strange out bursts or forced awkward banter on my part. Besides I figured the last thing he wants is some weird fan talking to him while he works out... What would I say to jump start the conversation anyway, "hey dude, can i smell your fingers?"

      While upstairs i figured, this might be the only chance for me to meet one of my idols. So, I head back down to the treadmills... and unfortunately he had left and was probably back in the clouds eating gum drops, like all mystical creatures do... I thought to myself "damn, I missed my opportunity."  I selected a treadmill at random (side note: there were a fuck ton more treadmills in this gym then I've ever seen) and began my sad Charlie Brown walk. Its heavily worn buttons are difficult to read so I just pushed a random button and the treadmill jumped to life. I then began looking around the room scoping for any other celebs and making mental notes of my experience while in L.A. "girl on stair master with a nice ass... piece of trash in the cup holder... yoga mats... part of an ipod cover in the other cup holder."

       Then all of a sudden; like a spaceship landing, the men's locker room door swings open... everything slows down... lights flash in strobe of purple and red... smoke billows out... Then... Dave Navarro walks out! Gleaming in his rock godness... Now, I'm not gay but I'd have to hesitate if he asked me to rub wieners... (another side note:  I found it odd that he had no shirt but he was wearing sunglasses... how did that happen? "No time for shirt but there's always time for shades) Mr. Navarro walks into the treadmill room and begins to walk down my aisle, in fact he's heading right toward my treadmill. That's right, I've unknowingly stumbled onto Dave Navarro's treadmill (aw man, we have the same tastes in treadmills and women). I try to play it cool or as cool as one can play it on a treadmill. So, I'm now moonwalking on the treadmill.

        It then occurs to me "this ipod cover in the cup holder belongs to Dave Navarro."  In a one smooth, cool motion (once again; as "smooth" and "cool" as I can pull off on a treadmill) I turned to The Great Navarro and hand him his ipod cover. (Now here comes the cool part.) He is within 3 feet. We are eye ball to bloodshot eye ball. He then speaks, like God speaking to Moses and says... are you ready?... wait for it... he says "THANKS BUDDY."

  WHAT?! BUDDY?! I was just fine being two cool guys that treadmill with similar treadmill choices but like being knighted in England, I'm now and will always be Dave Navarro's buddy.

Guide to a better wedgie

Disclaimer: Before you read the following work, the people at PHATPAT productions would like to state that they are not liable for any injury or mental brake down that is a result from reading the following. This information is designed to stimulate laughter, so you must have a sense of humor to read this essay. Thank you and enjoy this magnificent example of literature. :)

PHATPAT'S Guide to a better wedgie
Receiving a well deserved wedgie is an art form. Getting a wedgie from an older brother is standard; it's in their DNA. Some of the best wedgies can come from complete strangers. Everyone has their own method and or style to giving and receiving a wedgie. This paper will help you better understand the basics of receiving a wedgie; the history, preparation, motivation, and acceptance.

To better understand the wedgie you should know where it originated or the "Wedgie History," if you will. The wedgie was developed by frat boys in the early part of the 20th century as a form of hazing. The fact that the wedgie is such a recent discovery allows the wedgie to remain a growing art. The wedgie has stood the test of time and will continue to be used as a form of humiliation for years to come. (None of the above information has been proven.)

Make sure you have underwear on, this is imperative for this project to suceed. The elastic band on the top edge of the underwear should be exposed, allowing it to ride about an inch higher than the waist of your pants. This gives the wedgier or wedginator a better handle to provide the wedgie that you have been longing for. You now must locate an attacker; this is difficult because you and only you must motivate them.

Now just because your underwear is exposed does not mean you will automatically receive a wedgie. First, you must motivate someone else to allow the wedgie to commence. (Tip: Pick someone taller than you this will only add to the wedgie satisfaction.) I find the best way to antagonize someone to give you a wedgie is to say key phrases to anger them just enough to give you a wedgie, but not enough to punch you in the face. The following are some phrases that will help you get the wedgier movitated to give you the wedgie you desire:
1. "Bet you can't get me to scream like a girl and make me look like a fool, right now."
2. "Dude, I have no idea what a thong feels like." (At this point bend over to tie your shoe leaving your underwear band completely exposed. Note: for best results, do not bend at the knees.)
3. (And the the classic) "Hey, look my underwear band, what you going to do about it."
Now there are many types of wedgies, the kind of wedgie you receive depends on the kind of attacker you choose and their current mood.

Everybody has their own style to giving a wedgie. Some just like to give a quick "grab and release," like an uncle or relative. Others prefer to watch you dangle like a worm on a hook; it has something to do with watching your legs flailing around. These types of wedgies are called "super wedgies," this should detach your underwear band from the rest of the underwear; "super wedgies" mainly come from older brothers and frat boys. The most famous and painful wedgie is called the "Atomic wedgie." These wedgies should result in your underwear band being completely pulled over your head, this is only given by the most heartless of attackers like Police Officers or Oprah. After you have received a wedgie you have to be prepared to deal with the emotional break down that will ensue. Following every wedgie is a series of stages, there is anger, sadness, humiliation, and finally acceptance.

Acceptance can be very difficult for some people. The humiliation is sometimes too much for a victim to deal with, they feel ashamed. You should feel proud that you were able to manipulate someone into touching your underwear. The idea behind a wedgie is to be embarrassed, and that is exactly how you should feel. If you go around and act like you enjoy the wedgie people will just think you're weird. Its even worse if you write a guide on receiving wedgies.

This guide should have educated you on the proper methods of receiving a wedgie. The wedgie is what separates us from the animals. Please do not abuse this power. There is something special about having your underwear cause you pain and humiliation. You should now better understand the basics of receiving a wedgie; preparation, motivation, and acceptance.

-I can't believe you just read a guide on receiving a wedgie.

PHATPAT productions is glad you read the above information, we hope you enjoyed.

"Letters to Ke$ha"

This is a collection of my status updates titled "Letters to Ke$ha"... Enjoy

Letters to Ke$ha: Since your "Music" has made it to the mainstream, there is now something worse to fear then cancer! So my "Make-a-Wish" is for you to STOP! Yours Truly, Patrick

Letters to Ke$ha: I was sitting in my car listening to your "music"... of course, I had a hose running from the exhaust pipe in the front window. But never the less, i found a way to enjoy your music! In Loving Memory, Patrick

Letters to Ke$ha: You do for music, what Hitler did for Hanukkah. (FYI He didn't help the holiday... In fact he made it worse) Happy Holidays, Patrick

Letters to Ke$ha: Scientists found playing Mozart to a baby will make it smarter. Guess what your "music" does to babies... caused tumors, deafness, and the babies won't stop crying!... Thats right you make babies cry! Sincerely, Patrick

Letters to Ke$ha: I was watching a story on the News about an accident on "Amtrak"... made me think of you! Sincerely Yours, Patrick

Letters to Ke$ha: the public acceptance of your "music" has finally made Yoko Ono seem like a legitimate artist, and i hate you for that. sincerely yours, Patrick

Letters to Ke$ha: Please stop! My dog won't stop barking at the radio when he hears your voice! Thank you, Patrick

The Liquor Pharmacy

Its been said that alcohol is a problem... but what about all the problems it fixes?! Alcohol can lay a blanket over a lot of bigger problems.

People spend thousands of dollars a year on Therapists and expensive prescriptions for mood altering drugs to help them with social anxiety, O.C.D., and phobias. Why drive all the way to the doctors office when theres a liquor store just around the corner? 

Just pick the right alcohol for the problem! 


Social Anxiety= Jager.. you'll talk to everyone and probably end up pantless on the bar!

O.C.D.= Jack Danial's.. you'll stop caring about any rituals or cleaning b/c you'll be too trashed to care!

Fear of Heights= Vodka.. you'll be unable to focus to tell how far off the ground you are!

If you're too timid and need to stand up for yourself. Try tequila, you'll deck someone before the nights over and maybe get a chick out of it! 

You're Welcome.